Sample Packs inspired by As I Lay Dying

As I Lay Dying Loops, Samples and Plugins

Enhance your tracks with the ultimate As I Lay Dying audio sample collection. Our selection contains powerful sample packs, plugins, royalty free samples, loops, MIDI files, WAV one-shots, drums, construction and sound kits all inspired by As I Lay Dying. Create and experiment with your music, and make your next project sound as epic as As I Lay Dying.

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Browse 1 Products by As I Lay Dying

Download Sample pack Angry Metalcore Guitars

Browse sample packs & plugins inspired by As I Lay Dying fitted to you!

Rock / Heavy Metal packs inspired by As I Lay Dying
What we offer ?

Join over 100,000 producers who are getting more inspired,

more creative and are finishing more music than ever before using r-loops!

Royalty Free

Use samples in personal or commercial projects without additional cost!

Forever yours

Front template can be easily customized with its cutting-edge components and features.

Works with any DAW

FL Studio, Ableton Live, Apple Logic Pro, Propellerheads Reason, Steinberg Cubase and many more!

100% Money Back Guarantee

We're so confident you'll love our products that we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee and free exchanges.